Sales not Marketing
Many businesses have less and less face to face interaction with clients and telephone conversations have declined as well, as a consequence of online transactions. I’m also increasingly seeing companies spend more time, effort and money on marketing to existing and past clients and not nearly enough on selling to them. For far too many, I feel the balance is wrong and it needs to change back in favour of sales.
The trouble is many companies and individuals have forgotten how to sell or have got rusty through lack of practice. The unintended consequence of online commerce is the reduction of opportunity for sales training that used to take part “on the job” – and it’s time to put this right.
On September 25th The Property Academy is hosting Prospecting School 2.0 with Australia’s No.1 Coach Josh Phegan. Josh has updated this workshop to include all new dialogues and questions that are proven to be more persuasive to help you make more appointments. Even if you’ve attended before you cannot have too much practice at prospecting for business – this event will actually give you the opportunity to get back into the sales habit.
In case you can’t make Prospecting School 2.0, or better you can but want a taster, here’s a few things Josh will be sharing:
- Start each and every business day with a 45 minute prospecting session.
- The session should be for 45 minutes maximum.
- During the session all phones should be diverted (we recommend the excellent Moneypenny service) and emails switched off.
- Print out the names and contact details for 20 prospects.
- Print out 10 appointment slots you can offer (actually that you can sell but that’s for Josh to expand on).
- Have prepared your questions and dialogues (Josh will be giving these out at Prospecting School 2.0)
- Start making the calls – and always make them from a mobile as the answer rate dramatically improves.
- Stick to the script – just ask the key questions in the sequence that Josh will share.
- Keep focussed with no distractions, just make calls for 45 minutes, no breaks, no chitchat, no coffee break just keep making the calls.
- Now see how the rest of the day looks having “eaten the frog” and also made 2,3,4 or more appointments.
Nearly all great sports people, actors and musicians practice every day. The best do so with a top coach knowing that this will enable them to consistently deliver their best performance. For some crazy reason many salespeople believe that they don’t need to practice, that they know it all – the reality is that you get less opportunity to practice in the normal course of business, thereby increasing the need to attend events like Prospecting School 2.0.
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